Black Tie & Boots: Sept. 27th, 2024
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Black Tie & Boots: Sept. 27th, 2024

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Join us in your tuxedo, your cocktail dress or your starched jeans and throw on your favorite boots for a true Black Tie & Boots experience! Black Tie & Boots is a primary source of funding for the SFVA Scholarship Program and all proceeds directly benefit hardworking youth with big dreams.

Since 2013, the State Fair has awarded over $870,000 to support youth education across the Commonwealth. The scholarship program promotes positive youth development by recognizing and rewarding leadership and scholarship attributes developed through meaningful competition. These competitions, held annually during the State Fair, invite the public to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of the connection between Virginia agriculture and the arts in everyday life. Competitions range from fine arts and horticulture to dairy cattle and showmanship. We are proud to partner with long-time educational organizations including 4-H, FFA and SkillsUSA. Our scholarship recipients have pursued their dreams at trade and technical schools, community colleges and 4-year programs alike with the support of the program.

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